A Beautiful day for racing at Lake Beulah Yacht Club last Saturday for the Nan Norris Beulah Challenge. 18 Boats competed and B-12 Delusions with Kent Haeger and Mile Greeson cooked at home for the victory. The Barr family conducted this regatta symphony from beginning to end with help from an able RC led by Brian Buzzell from nearby Delavan Lake YC. The pork steak dinner on Saturday night was a big hit. Unfortunately, the weather cut the regatta short after 3 races on Saturday.
B-12 Delusions - Kent Haeger & Michael Greeson
B-111 Will & Kate+8 - Kate Haeger, Will Haeger & Neal Klement
B-66 Barr-Crawler - Michael Barr & Hailey Greeson
LL-1 H1M - William Schroeder & Marshall Schroeder
NO-11 Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to - Noah Janssen & Jack Barnes